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In Topic: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
12 April 2021 - 02:13
In Topic: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
27 March 2021 - 13:23
In Topic: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
27 March 2021 - 13:19
Hello, MCelliotG, littlesat!
You made a PLi-FullNightHD cache flush in your skin, but skin_glamouraurafhd_plugins doesn't have it, and thanks for PLi-FullNightHD
yes cacheflush is on the feed
In Topic: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
27 March 2021 - 06:00
<!-- Cache Flush -->
<screen name="CacheFlushSetupMenu" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
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<panel name="ClockLabel1" />
<panel name="Title1" />
<ePixmap position="50,315" size="400,400" pixmap="GlamourAuraFHD/icons/memory.png" alphatest="on" transparent="1" zPosition="5" />
<widget name="config" font="Regular; 30" position="540,50" size="1305,600" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" selectionPixmap="GlamourAuraFHD/selections/aurasel.png" alphatest="blend" backgroundColor="background20" itemHeight="50" enableWrapAround="1" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />
<widget name="min_free_kb" position="556,307" size="1095,595" font="Regular; 28" zPosition="1" valign="center" transparent="1"/>
<widget name="slide" position="1455,620" size="27,150" zPosition="1" borderWidth="1" backgroundColor="secondBG" orientation="orBottomToTop"/>
<widget name="memory" position="556,480" size="1095,595" zPosition="1" valign="center" halign="left" font="Regular; 28" transparent="1"/>
<panel name="FullKeys1" />
<screen name="CacheFlushInfoScreen" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" flags="wfNoBorder">
<panel name="MainBackground2" />
<panel name="ClockLabel1" />
<panel name="Title1" />
<ePixmap position="50,315" size="400,400" pixmap="GlamourAuraFHD/icons/memory.png" alphatest="on" transparent="1" zPosition="5" />
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<panel name="FullKeysV2" />
<!-- I didn't do it, it doesn't turn out beautifully -->
<screen name="CacheFlushAutoScreen" position="1500,45" zPosition="2" size="375,45" title="CacheFlush Status" flags="wfNoBorder" >
<widget name="message_label" font="Regular;36" position="0,0" zPosition="2" valign="center" halign="center" size="375,45" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1"/>
if you like add to skin_glamouraurafhd_plugins
In Topic: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
27 March 2021 - 05:41
Hello MCelliotG! thanks for the skin, and a future update, and if it's not difficult to add Cache Flush, с уважением wikon1
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