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Member Since 24 Jul 2019
Offline Last Active 16 Jul 2023 09:19

Topics I've Started

streaming to a pc

15 July 2023 - 21:14

Forgive me if my question has been already asked, but I was unable to find it in the forum as well as in the documentation.

Is there any way to stream the video/audio output of openpli device to another pc connected in the same lan?

In other words, I want to use the monitor of my pc as it if were a television getting the stream from my openpli device (zgemma H5), and change channels using the remote control of the same openpli device without the need to touch my pc.

Thank you for your help.



unable to find last favorite on web gui timer

21 June 2023 - 19:15

Over the time I added several channels to my "favorites" list.

Unfortunately, when I try to set a timer using the web gui, I don't find the last favorites. 

What can I do?

Thanks for your help.

H5 doesn't boot anymore after flashing

2 January 2023 - 20:17

I've tried to flash openpli 8.3 for my zgemma h5, from the menu in the gui, after making a backup. (as in the first screenshot on https://wiki.openpli.../Installation).

A progress bar titled ofgwrite informed me about the process and then aborted with an error.

From that point on, I was unable to boot my h5. When I power on, the title "boot" appears on the box display but nothing happens.

How can I try another flashing without the gui (since openpli does not load anymore)?

Page https://wiki.openpli.org/Zgemma reports instructions for all zgemma models apart h5.

Thank you for your help.