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Member Since 8 Dec 2019
Offline Last Active 02 Sep 2021 20:49

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In Topic: [DE] Beim aus Wahl von „GUI Skins“ stürzt die Box ab

14 February 2021 - 21:46

Depends on what you mean by "data".


If you have an autobackup, you have a backup of all configuration. A flash will only replace the root filesystem, it will not touch others, like on disks or sticks...


Note that if you have installed any packages manually (outside of the plugin feed), you need to install those again, manually. Everything from the feeds will be reinstalled after a restore of the autobackup.


okay i've forgot to ask about the oscam configurations from my provider. That was the main meaning of my question!  :) 
But if I've understand it by the right way those also wont be touched, right?

In Topic: [DE] Beim aus Wahl von „GUI Skins“ stürzt die Box ab

14 February 2021 - 20:59

Solved in 8.0... happend when you installed a skin with no resolution info included.


Is it possible to update straight from pli 7.3 to 8.0 without any problems. Just with updating through a usb stick without deleting all datas from the box?

In Topic: [DE] Beim aus Wahl von „GUI Skins“ stürzt die Box ab

13 February 2021 - 21:04

Deinstalliere mal den Skin, den du installiert hast.

Habe aber dann nur noch den Standard Skin drauf. Oder soll ich den Standard Skin entfernen und den anderen skin drauf lassen?
Wird er dann automatisch zum Standard Skin?