Good evening, it's working in openpli 6.2 RC.
So it was an uncompatibility with 6.1 stable release.
Thank You.
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15 April 2018 - 23:26
Good evening, it's working in openpli 6.2 RC.
So it was an uncompatibility with 6.1 stable release.
Thank You.
15 April 2018 - 16:56
Ok I'll install 6.1 RC and see if I can get a more detailed crash log
I'll give it a try the evening
Thank you!
15 April 2018 - 16:35
Only this lines, it's too short I know...
"enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-full-hd-night_2.5a_all" is working well (downloaded from another "Hobbyist Board").
15 April 2018 - 16:21
Hello, I can't apply this skin on openpli 6.1 here is the crash log :
OpenPLi Enigma2 crash log crashdate=sam. avril 14 22:58:20 2018 compiledate=Feb 19 2018 skin=Pd1loi-HD-night/skin.xml sourcedate=2018-02-18 branch=release-6.1 rev=34dd341 component=Enigma2 stbmodel=duo2 stbmodel=dm8000 kernelcmdline=libata.force=1:1.5Gbps bmem=192M@64M bmem=220M@512M memc1=788M ubi.mtd=0 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=sync nimsockets=NIM Socket 0: imageissue=openpli 6.1-release %h
Can you helpe me?
5 January 2018 - 15:21
openpli 6 trying to install xmltvimport from feeds or crossepg or other sytemplugins / extentions.