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Member Since 14 Feb 2020
Offline Last Active 14 Feb 2020 12:31

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Zgemma H5.2S Software Problem

14 February 2020 - 10:41

I have a problem with my decoder. Yesterday I tried to upgrade image on OpenPli 7.2 with OpenPli6.2. After the update, everything practically fell apart. After starting the restore of the USB backup that I made before the upgrade. I have this problem:
"We are realli sorry. Your STB encountered a software problem, end need to be restarted. Please sent the logfile /tmp/enigma2_crash.log to forum at www.openpli.org Your STB restarts in 10 seconds! Component: Enigma2"
Maybe someone knows how to remove errors from the above file? Or start system recovery again? I will write that the decoder is constantly working something and shows this error on a green background and nothing reacts to the remote control.
Please help. Regards.