I'm trying to remotely changing a setting from \etc\enigma2\settings file which is not available via webinterface, like when changing powerstate which is easily done as showed in some wikis
the setting I would like to change is:
config.av.downmix_ac3=False (change from True to False)
note that when it is True, activated in menu with remotecontrol, it is not visible in settings, the line is deleted when True.
I try to build syntax, I don't know if it is supported, I try to guess syntax but it doesn't change value, it will just post full settings file content.
curl "http://boxIP/web/settings?e2settingname=config.av.downmix_ac3 newvalue=False"
curl "http://boxIP/web/settings?<e2settings><e2setting><e2settingname>config.av.downmix_ac3=False</e2settingname><e2settingvalue>False</e2settingvalue></e2setting</e2settings>"
If it is supported can anyone help me creating the syntax? is there a full list of shell specific enigma2 commands? (not full busybox commands, just enigma2 up to date commands to remotely change settings that are not available from webinterface)
Best regards