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Member Since 13 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active 10 Oct 2012 17:39

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In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

5 October 2012 - 20:21

forget about it, like said, it was not even the primary reason. That's simply because I have a new fulltime job now which keeps me busy with coding 50 hours per week, if I come back home ... I dont always want to continue coding at home. Still need some time for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll :P

well, if you really like that widescreen support, I can spend some more time with it and finish it for you. I've just done some quick changes here and there, but it needs some more CSS changes and probably a few template fixes here and there, I will post it here so someone can review and commit it if it fits your needs ;)


To click on a programname in the MultiEPG screen gets an info screen what's the program is about.

Yeah, program info would be nice. But I would prefer a mouse-hover effect for the Program titles where a little overlay bubble popup shows up and shos me details about that movie, like title, length, short description, genre ect. Shouldn't be a big deal I think. I could do it too, but if someone else is already working on it ... then hurry up :P

In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

5 October 2012 - 19:13


I am still around here somewhere. And yeah still using OpenWebif! It's right that I've lost interest after I had so much fun with the project, primary because I got a new fulltime job as webdesigner/softwaere developer for a big company with 4 letters everyone probably already used for shopping ;) and secondly I got a lot of bad bashing mails from here because I am a "bad guy from the dark side". :huh:

But if you need help somewhere, just let me know. The new MultiEPG looks great and yeah it's too small! I've already updated some stuff here to get full screen support for my 1920px monitor, but I have no clue if everyone would like it, it also has some benefits to have a fixed small width. So the question is, do we really want to have the full webinterface on dynamic width like I have done it for me? Or do we only want the MultiEPG to be larger? Some time ago I was a big fan of fixed widths ... but as soon you have a 27" Full HD Monitor ... everything looks so small !

I have an updated CSS file for a dynamic webif width, but it's not perfect yet and needs some more finetuning and fixes for the CURRENT epg toolbar, it has some hardcoded CSS Stuff that needs to get improved and fixed and probably some other layout changes need to be made on other screens to make it look nice, even on wide screen

BTW: Didnt even know someone is missing me here, I thoght you are happy about that after all those "nice" feedback mails from here, but well ... who cares!! :P

If you need help, just tell me what needs to be done! I prefer getting stuff to do on a list and then just do it ;)


In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

1 December 2011 - 19:19

I also would open one bouquet by default. The first one or the current one that is selected on the TV where a channel selected

In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

1 December 2011 - 19:13

Yeah I like it too! Good job!

Probably one thing I would optimize is the height of the main container so that we don't have to scroll there too if there are many channels in a bouquet. Because I have 2 scrollbars for the entire screen and one for the bouquets. Have to scroll down on 2 scrollbars to see the bottom. I would prefer to see the whole channellist without a scrollbar, at least in the bouquet-view. What you think?

Just wondering: What was the reason that patching jquery ui was required? Usually this should not be required, but maybe you can tell me what and why this was required ;)

In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

27 November 2011 - 12:25

Just wanted to know if it works for you. Someone implemented that favicon.ico and maybe it worked for him, but if I open that /images/favicon.ico I only see crazy symbols and no icon.

But I guess it will not hurt anyone if we use a favicon.png. Maybe my Twisted does not know how to handle *.ICO files or I have to set header manually, but that's too much work so I will just replace it by an PNG Version.

And yes, it makes sense to get rid of the no-cache header, but we have to take care it does not cache too much. The AJAX Calls should not always be cached so if we get in trouble somewhere, we should add a &timestamp parameter to the ajax URL's if we get in trouble somewhere.