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Member Since 3 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active 10 Aug 2020 19:19

Topics I've Started

Running a plugin (or python script) as a background task

29 July 2020 - 12:10

Hi All, 


I am working on a Python script to retrieve the SNR, BER and AGC from the web interface which is working great.


I now need this task to run in the background to gather the data every X number of minutes.


I have looked into using init.d to run the program on startup but this doesn't seem to work. I have also looked into using sessionStart on a standard plugin but found Engima2 would hang with the spinning wheel (because my program contained an infinite loop).


My most recent attempt consisted of using os.system to run the Python script from sessionStart but I found the python script isn't actually running... I don't know why because trying the same command from the Python shell does work so maybe this is a permissions issue. Ideally this is the route I would like to go down but I cannot get os.system to work...


I read somewhere online about the eAppContainer module but cannot find any details on how I may go about using this. 


Is anybody able to help me out with this?


Many thanks.

Reading the RF signal level

3 June 2020 - 12:58

Hi All,


I would like to build an application for reading the RF level on the tuner card.

I have some past experience building Enigma 2 plug-in's so the UI design etc. shouldn't be an issue.


Is there an enigma Python module I can import / use to read the RF level or use to interact with the tuner at a lower level?


I've seen the OpenPLi Satfinder Plug-In which shows an SNR readout but I cannot work out where the SNR is imported from!! - I was wondering if I could work this out I could use the same technique to get a 'raw' RF level.


Does anybody have any experience reading information like this?


