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Member Since 5 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active 05 Jun 2020 13:10

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In Topic: internet connection lost once a day

5 June 2020 - 13:13

I tested the Vu + with DHCP and with fixed Ip. The problem is still the same.
My home computers never have a disconnection problem. Neither my NAS which is on the internet too.

So I'm looking for any idea that can help me solve this problem.

Thanks to all

In Topic: internet connection lost once a day

5 June 2020 - 12:43

Thank you WanWizard for your intervention.

When I use a plugin that needs a web connection, it doesn't connect anymore. Black screen.
In the Network test:
- Local network: Connected
- IP address: Unconfirmed

After the reboot, everything is OK.