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Member Since 29 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active 03 Mar 2022 21:15

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In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.

27 February 2022 - 22:53

It is because you are using an illegal IPTV provider that "update" your bouquets, the problem is on there side they don't have to touch the blacklist file. So it's not here that you should complaint.

Not complaining mate just trying to find a resolution. Also never assume im using illegal provider, even normal terrestrial channels in bouquets refresh daily which will cause the parental control pin to drop off.

In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.

27 February 2022 - 18:48

Yes, create a userbouquet with the channels that you want to protect.
Enable the parental control by defining a PIN Code.
In the channel list select the bouquet you want to protect (don't enter in it) and press the Menu button you will have a contextual menu and from there you can add bouquet to parental control.

Once done you will prompted for the PIN Code to open up the bouquet and every channels in this bouquet will be protected.

Yes this works but only for the day. When the bouquets refresh the next day the parental pin on that bouquet removes itself. Is there a way to keep it permanently?

In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.

17 February 2022 - 21:21

Hey guys question around parental control. Is there any option or can one be added to apply a parental control to a bouquet for say betting?

In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.

24 December 2021 - 22:57

It's alright. Fixed it. Just had to activate the serviceApp

In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.

24 December 2021 - 21:43

Hey guys on latest image 8.1 with updated software from the 19th Dec.  Every since the last update my quarter pounder app is unable to unfreeze the channel.  Has something changed on the software to cause this?  I have to change channel and back for it start working again.  Up until the last update the quarter pounder app used to restart the channel itself after a few seconds.  Can you please look into this?

I have attached the debug file if that helps.  Vu solo 2 box