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Member Since 6 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active 20 Oct 2017 10:58

Posts I've Made

In Topic: TranSparEncy-Mod-RAED

24 March 2013 - 21:06

i think there is something like second infobar plugin must be instaled

In Topic: lava-hd-m-mod-pli

1 June 2012 - 11:26

i think it's better to have the channel selection with now and next event,

In Topic: OpenPLi 3.0: new alpha experimental images!

28 May 2012 - 22:33

i just flash my vu ultimo with last firmware OpenPLi-3.0-beta-vuultimo-20120528_usb.zip

Does not start. It comes the VU+ Logo and then rollback and start again.
don't know what's the problem

In Topic: OpenPLi 3.0: new alpha experimental images!

28 May 2012 - 15:28

after second flash, i confirm vu ultimo not not start

In Topic: OpenPLi 3.0: new alpha experimental images!

28 May 2012 - 15:23

Feedback from me


Does not start. It comes the VU+ Logo and then rollback and start again.

same problem for me, i flash again and will see what hapned