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Member Since 10 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active 15 Apr 2012 09:15

Posts I've Made

In Topic: TCP remote control

15 April 2012 - 09:16

anyone with knowledge on this subject? please!

In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

28 March 2012 - 10:19

Is it possible to include extra direct commands, like: "restart softcam", "go to Graphical Multi EPG"... etc... please?

for the softcam:
something like: "http://box_ip/api/so...ommand=restart" , "http://box_ip/api/so...mand=restartcs" and maybe "http://box_ip/api/so...restartboth"... for example.

for the landing page:
something like: "http://box_ip/api/vi...ew=gfxmultiepg" , "http://box_ip/api/vi...w?view=plugins" , "http://box_ip/api/vi...w=ppanels".....

Now I send a command sequence to achieve these results, but it's always changing based on what is installed, so if I install a dreambox differently, then the sequence change.

In Topic: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

15 March 2012 - 10:18

I usually use the powerstate/newstate (4/5) commands to turn on/off my dreambox, but now, with openwebif, the newstate 4 and 5 commands doesn't work anymore.

from this website: http://dream.reichho...a2:WebInterface you can find the additional 4 and 5 commands that I was using.

[*]0 = Toogle Standby
[*]1 = Deepstandby
[*]2 = Reboot
[*]3 = Restart Enigma2
[*]4 = Wakeup form Standby
[*]5 = Standby

Is it possible to add them even in openwebif?

...or.. there is another way to "wakeup from standby" and "standby" (not toggling) with openwebif?