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Member Since 12 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active 03 Jun 2015 00:06

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In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

17 December 2011 - 14:31

hello, dvbsoftwareca dont have makefile

dvbsoftwareca from old git dont work on openpliPC only on cougar_enigma2PC

H264 and LATM audio is working ok on open channels.

cant test more because my subscription card is not working on openpliPC


dvbsoftwareca is in engma2 openpli git too. Compiled without problems and works

Makefile 35 minutes ago

thanks, go test

best regards

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

17 December 2011 - 13:37

hello, dvbsoftwareca dont have makefile

dvbsoftwareca from old git dont work on openpliPC only on cougar_enigma2PC

H264 and LATM audio is working ok on open channels.

cant test more because my subscription card is not working on openpliPC


In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

16 December 2011 - 20:57

hello @nobody9
the previous version of cougar_enigma have many flaws with sd or hd h264 with your patch applied "patch16" to xine-lib, vdr is working good,
in your version of enigma2_openpli, the latest in git when I write this cant get video since the enigma2 gives me this information.

adapter0/demux0 idx 0: change to even key
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: even key not ready (200 ms)
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: not active. wait skipped

I do not know if you test this feature.

I do not know if we can talk about it
if i run enigma2_cougar all is working good with this feature.

best regards

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

13 December 2011 - 16:15

hello again, thanks for the new patch.
well in xine-lib with the new patch is correct functioning of the AAC_LATM and vdr is working properly with the audio.
in enigma2 have this problem:
I have sound but with cuts and strange sounds.

the same channel on vdr works grate video and audio - vdr-plugin-xinelibouput

ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
FLUSHuf_ctrl: vid 20% 3,0s 1624kbps 0, aud 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
CA_SET_DESCR ca_num 0000, idx 0, parity 1, cw 51...1A0s 16kbps 0, on
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: late key set...
demux_ts: error ba 8e 53 (should be 0x000001) 0% 2,0s 8kbps 0, on
demux_ts: PID 0x1081: corrupted pes encountered
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: change to even keyaud 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: even key not ready (500 ms)
[EPGC] 2498840 bytes for cache usedps 0, aud 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 1,0s 8kbps 0, on
adapter0/demux0 idx 0: timed out. proceeding anyways,0s 8kbps 0, on
demux_ts: error ab b8 e8 (should be 0x000001) 0% 1,0s 8kbps 0, on
demux_ts: PID 0x1082: corrupted pes encountered
demux_ts: error 8b 11 cf (should be 0x000001)
demux_ts: PID 0x1081: corrupted pes encountered
demux_ts: error 30 a1 5f (should be 0x000001)
demux_ts: PID 0x1081: corrupted pes encountered
demux_ts: error 30 a9 24 (should be 0x000001)
demux_ts: PID 0x1081: corrupted pes encountered
[aac_latm @ 0xaa328920] Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: error decompressing audio frame (-1)
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: error decompressing audio frame (-1094995529)s 0, on
audio jump, diff=59283
audio jump, diff=86160 3,0s 1400kbps 0, aud 0% 2,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 1,0s 16kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 1,0s 40kbps 0, on
fixing sound card drift by 3228 ptsps 0, aud 1% 2,0s 48kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decode
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 24kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 1,0s 24kbps 0, on
fixing sound card drift by 2449 ptsps 0, aud 0% 1,0s 24kbps 0, on
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decoded 0% 2,0s 24kbps 0, on
fixing sound card drift by 2415 ptsps 0, aud 0% 2,0s 24kbps 0, on

best regards

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

12 December 2011 - 22:31

hello, good job, there is a slight problem with the patch for lib-xine at least for me, it removes support for LATM AAC with ffmpeg.

can be solved?

Thank you very much.