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Member Since 15 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active 19 Jan 2021 07:30

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In Topic: drivers for 8812au wireless network adapter!

25 July 2020 - 15:56


kernel-module-8812au-4.1.20-1.9 - 4.3.14-r0.2 - 8812au kernel module           

 8812au kernel module; Realtek Wireless Lan Driver           



Go to Menu-Setup-System-Expert settings-User Mode and change Setup Mode to Expert.   Then will be in Packet Management item "Advanced options".There you can press twice "5" => go to char "k" ....




thank you all
I already found kernel-module-8812a in Advanced options
Well installed and working
I am sorry if I do not understand quickly because I am not a professional
openpli ok Now 

In Topic: drivers for 8812au wireless network adapter!

25 July 2020 - 14:08

After you have found the driver with the command Ims showed you can install that specific driver like Wanwizard mentioned several times.

At least he tried several times to explain that the driver is in the feed so ‘opkg install kernel-module-8812au ...........’ should do the trick.


Edit: Or from the GUI

Menu - plugins - software management - advanced options - Packet management - and look for kernel-module—88 etc and install it.

The screenshot is from a Ultimo4K so your’s might look different.


This item is Packet management
Not Found
See the picture in the attachment

In Topic: drivers for 8812au wireless network adapter!

25 July 2020 - 14:00


You can try on VU, if are available, as:

opkg list | grep 8812

Then you will see, what you can install.





root@vuzero4k:~# opkg list | grep 8812                                         
kernel-module-8812au - 4.3.14-r0.2 - Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14              
 Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14.                                                 
kernel-module-8812au-4.1.20-1.9 - 4.3.14-r0.2 - 8812au kernel module           
 8812au kernel module; Realtek Wireless Lan Driver                             
kernel-module-8812au-dbg - 4.3.14-r0.2 - Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14 - Debuggi
g files                                                                        
 Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14.  This package contains ELF symbols and          
kernel-module-8812au-dev - 4.3.14-r0.2 - Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14 - Develop
ent files                                                                      
 Ralink 8812AU/8821AU v4.3.14.  This package contains symbolic links,          

In Topic: drivers for 8812au wireless network adapter!

25 July 2020 - 02:48

I give up.


I told you several times what to do, and how to do it. But you keep fooling around with a file you have downloaded yourself  (which I told you you should NOT do that), a file which is for different hardware even.


Please put the file you want to install ( kernel-module-8812au)

Where to find kernel-module-8812au

In Topic: drivers for 8812au wireless network adapter!

24 July 2020 - 20:20

This is the product of the installation
What does that mean?



root@vuzero4k:~# cd /tmp                                                       
root@vuzero4k:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install kernel-module-8812au-4.10.12_4.3.
Collected errors:                                                              
 * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):                                            
 * Problem 1/1:                                                                
 *   - package kernel-module-8812au-4.10.12-4.3.14-r0.0.h5 does not have a comp
tible architecture                                                             
 * Solution 1:                                                                 
 *   - do not ask to install kernel-module-8812au-4.10.12-4.3.14-r0.0.h5       