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Member Since 16 Aug 2020
Offline Last Active 26 Sep 2021 21:11

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In Topic: EPG for IPTV channels

12 September 2021 - 19:43



Serbian EPG's (SBB, MTS) seem to be down ATM. Could you find a way to fix them if possible?


Thanks in advance!

In Topic: EPG for IPTV channels

17 September 2020 - 16:38

OK, I see! Thanks again!

In Topic: EPG for IPTV channels

17 September 2020 - 13:27

Are you sure? Serbia isn't in UTC. Does site itself provide info in good timezone, so you had to adapt something or what?

In Topic: EPG for IPTV channels

17 September 2020 - 11:59

Yes, it is absolutely OK! You can put it on GitHub and make ini for Croatian site!

Thanks a lot! It is even better this way, you're right!

In Topic: EPG for IPTV channels

16 September 2020 - 16:09


I saw that tvarenasport.ini grabs only title of programme. I can also see that there is sport and league info provided.

I thought that you can make that work, too!

Here is the example of a programme:

{"id":1474260,"title":"Colo Colo - Penarol ","start":"2020-09-15T22:15:00Z","end":"2020-09-16T00:00:00Z","sport":"Fudbal","league":"COPA LIBERTADORES","group":"381","isLive":true,"doNotMiss":false,"domain":"srb"}

I need the final title has this elements in this particular order: sport + "-" + league + ":" + title

So, the final result of the example would be: "Fudbal - COPA LIBERTADORES : Colo Colo - Penarol".

Also (this isn't obligatory, but it would be nice), you could make it get the data from "isLive" section, and if its true, it can add " // UŽIVO" to the final title. (so, in this case, the final title would be "Fudbal - COPA LIBERTADORES: Colo Colo - Penarol // UŽIVO", but as I said, it isn't obligatory)

Thanks in advance!