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Member Since 26 Sep 2020
Offline Last Active 08 Oct 2020 06:37

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Front screen LCD problem on GB UE 4K.

26 September 2020 - 16:17

Have installed 7.3 on one of my Gigablue box. It's a Ultra UE, working perfect, way better then the I have tried. But there is a strange problem, the lcd (front screen) is not working good.

Under boot, everything is as normal, when looking at a channel, the screen gives a tiny tiny clock, but once a while shows the channelname, clock and so on as normal, but just for 1/2 sec. About 2 times a minute. Same as when I go into different meny on the box, the lcd screen seems to be working fine, but just for 1/2 sec every time.


Have tried a couple of skins, don't seems that the problem is there.


Any idea?