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Member Since 11 Oct 2020
Offline Last Active 29 Jan 2024 05:09

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In Topic: USB automount doesn't work anymore + VFD clock GSOD

12 October 2020 - 04:15


Trying to access Dreambox using FTP client, user: root and password: dreambox or blank password, unfortunately cannot login.

Please advise how to login to Dreambox to delete unwanted plug-in which causing continuing enigma crash, as I am new user to dreambox.

Check attached screenshot for the error


In Topic: USB automount doesn't work anymore + VFD clock GSOD

11 October 2020 - 21:56

Hi all,

Running OpenPLi 3.0 on VU+ Duo.

After an update two or three days ago, my usb stick fails to automount after a reboot. I have to create the mountpoint manually and run

mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb

The other issue is with permanent VFD clock plugin which causes GSOD. It's rather nasty, because once enabled, it crashed enigma as soon as it's started creating an endless GSOD loop until I manually delete the plugin via ftp.

Thanks for help



Hello I face the same issue with VFD clock, how I can enter to telnet, once I open telnet I got "Dreambox advanced setup utility", reset to factory will not remove VFD Clock Plugn.


Please help