Great idea n thanks, thread well worthy of being stickied
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#272795 Open PLi sources (direct links,supports acceleration,...)
Posted by Hejira on 22 April 2012 - 13:31
#260487 editing at source?
Posted by Hejira on 3 March 2012 - 18:36
OK I think I understand, So you've built your inital image, you have your set of files that you wish to inject into the image, you want the quickest way to do this instead of ftping all the files to your image and doing a backup.
If this is basically what your saying, I don't see this being a very different method from the example by rossi and basically the approach I take. I must say without the help and examples from @pcd n his E2 build for MY DM600 I would probably still be struggling myself.
Please bare in mind I'm no Expert, but thinking aloud this would be my basic approach.
1. Create Build enviroment, do initial build
2. Create a folder with all files to be injected copy to /build/tmp/work
3. Create new .bb file eg: which details final file locations (as rossi ex) place in /packages/dreambox
4. Edit /packages/images n add
source ./env.source
bitbake dreambox-image
This should rebuild image but only needs to build injecting your files n takes very little time. Also you have a template reducing time when amending your changes.
I believe my thinking is sound but would welcome any comments
If this is basically what your saying, I don't see this being a very different method from the example by rossi and basically the approach I take. I must say without the help and examples from @pcd n his E2 build for MY DM600 I would probably still be struggling myself.
Please bare in mind I'm no Expert, but thinking aloud this would be my basic approach.
1. Create Build enviroment, do initial build
2. Create a folder with all files to be injected copy to /build/tmp/work
3. Create new .bb file eg: which details final file locations (as rossi ex) place in /packages/dreambox
4. Edit /packages/images n add
source ./env.source
bitbake dreambox-image
This should rebuild image but only needs to build injecting your files n takes very little time. Also you have a template reducing time when amending your changes.
I believe my thinking is sound but would welcome any comments
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