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Member Since 3 Jan 2021
Offline Last Active 27 Feb 2021 09:34

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In Topic: Unreliable switching between CI+ cards VU+ DUO 4KSE

16 February 2021 - 13:12

Tour Problem is solved! Only use the TeleSAT CI+ in tour CI slot. Use the separate cards in the integrated cardslots with OScam softcam. If only one slot exists, buy a USB Cardreader... Will work liké a charmé...

mimisiku,  I was planning to try your solution but as you will see in my latest post it appears everything is now working.

In Topic: Unreliable switching between CI+ cards VU+ DUO 4KSE

16 February 2021 - 11:20

Update.  After trying two  Nagravison cards,  and finding that the problem was not solved, I planned to determine if the lower slot was the cause of the problem (See my post 7th February).


So Hot swapped the Nagravison module/cards  for the CI+ cards in the same original position, TV Vlaanderen Cam 1 and Telesat Cam 2. As original problem.

The plan being to swap them around and re program the CI assignments.   However the family said leave it do it later.  :angry:  :angry: 


Ever since doing the hot swap (7th February) , everything is working.


Another clue, maybe totally unrelated but ??  In stealing the Nagravision CI module/card  from the Technisat TV, I replaced it with the CI+ for TV Vlaanderen in the Technisat TV for the first time.

The Technisat on powering up said please wait, registering module/card on network. This CI+ module or slot always the causing the problem.

The CI+ card for Telesat I was using in the VU+ had been used in the Technisat TV for a while. 


nb This Technisat TV works with all 3 modules and particularly version #1 with HD channels which none of my other receivers will do.

In Topic: Unreliable switching between CI+ cards VU+ DUO 4KSE

7 February 2021 - 11:03

I have 3 CI modules.    In order from the top.   Attached picture.


1.  Ci module licenced by Mediaguard. Requires separate card.  


2. CI module licenced by  Nagravison.  Requires same separate card.


3. CI+  module licenced by Viaccess. No additional card required.


They were marketed/sold as #1  the original and for SD.  #2  was required for HD.  #3 required for UHD.

#1 did work for HD but not in some receivers.   I have a Technisat 22" HD TV and #1  works fine with HD services but with the Motorhome receiver the pictures break up.


Until August last year Telesat and TV Vlaanderen encoded their SD and HD services with all 3 encoding options.

Around August Telesat removed the Mediaguard option from RTL TVi HD and La Trois. The 2 others options remained on these services.


The receiver I was using was an Xtrend ET9X00 and the software CI slot in the machine. The software CI slot used Mediaguard, so these 2 services stopped working.

The advantage of the software version was that multiple channels could be decoded from a single card. Complained to Telesat and they sent me a CI+ card. This fixed these 2 services but it only allowed 1 service per card.


Noticing that the new UHD channels were being encoded only with Viaccess,  decided it was time to upgrade the receiver.  Old receiver was HD only and we have a 4k TV.

The VU+ 4KSE was marketed as being able to simultaneously decode 2 CI cards.  So bought  a TV Vlaanderen CI+ card and the VU+ 4KSE.


Tried using two #2 modules, one with access to TV Vlaanderen and other with >Telesat access.   Problem still exists.


Coming to the conclusion that the problem is possibly with the lower CI slot.  CAM1.  CAM 2 (Telesat) always seems to work.Attached File  CI cards small.jpg   174.63KB   3 downloads


Will swap the cards around and reprogram the services for each card.




In Topic: Unreliable switching between CI+ cards VU+ DUO 4KSE

6 February 2021 - 11:00

WanWizard,  I was thinking overnight about your comments. The CI+ modules are different, they integrate the smart card so the software mst be different.


I do have Nagravison CI modules and cards for TV Vlaanderen and Telesat. The downside of using this module/card combination is the UHD channels use Viacces enconding, CI+ module.


Will update results in few days the results.

In Topic: Unreliable switching between CI+ cards VU+ DUO 4KSE

5 February 2021 - 12:12

mimisiku, thanks  If I buy this receiver https://www.cardwrit...dm-920-uhd.html  would it work reliably.   This is the UHD model. Don't want to fall into the same problem as with the VU which is I bought the DUO 4k  SE instead of the DUO 4K.


See comments by WanWizard which says the M7 s/w is bad.   Don't want to make another mistake, I'll be in big trouble with the family.