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Member Since 19 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active 26 Nov 2012 08:43

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In Topic: channel add request

25 March 2012 - 12:03


They are all on DVB-C.
In attachement the dreamedit zip with epg missing channels.

Thx for your support.

In Topic: channel add request

25 March 2012 - 11:08

No experience with Gemini GP3. But I have seen problems being reported with this on a regular basis.

You could try as an alternative, Crossepg. But I cannot guaranty this will work. because also problems are being reported using Crossepg. Although there are people which use it without any problems.

It seems taht the problem is the Gemini GP3 which is not epg minded.



Good news, i've re installed the XML import step by step and now it works, epg is finally populate :D :D :D
Thanks a lot for your help

There are some channels which do not have some epg data but i don't know if they are available:

-La Une
-La Deux
-Club RTL
-Plug RTL
-National Geographic Wild

Could you please check if they are available on download?

In Topic: channel add request

20 March 2012 - 07:04

[EPGImport] importEvents exception: ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255

This error is generally fatal for the import. I did not see this for a long time.
Take a look at my log (attached)

I can only advise to update both the importer and the rytec sources.
Possible try the OpenPli image.



I use Gemini GP3 and followed the install proc. for Gemini 5 or higher. Am I right with this?


In Topic: channel add request

17 March 2012 - 10:12


I was on holiday so i only could try yesterday...

In Attachement the log file.
I've changed the epg.dat file location and attributes but it didn't help..
With the hope the log will show the issue.Attached File  epgimport.log   7.85KB   5 downloads

In Topic: channel add request

24 February 2012 - 19:26

channels have been added now this afternoon


Is the change already online because I see no changes in the epg?
I've tried with and without adding the channel list in epgimport but nothing to see in the panel.

I'm with Gemini 3 and normal epg download works.
What can I check else?

Thx Luc