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Member Since 9 Feb 2021
Offline Last Active 29 Jul 2021 11:57

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In Topic: OpenPLi 8.0 and remote ssh issue

21 February 2021 - 14:54

Our OE still uses SysV init, not systemd.


Quickest is to go into /etc/rc3.d and remove the OpenVPN symlink.

Thank you so much, WanWizard, for your support.
I've proceeded to remove the symbolic link on /etc/rc3.d, as I need Openvpn to work on demand, but I've noticed that this service (based on Expressvpn) starts randomly at times and I can't explain why.

In Topic: OpenPLi 8.0 and remote ssh issue

17 February 2021 - 08:38

If you're using the standard OpenVPN package, it installs the sysV symlinks for runlevel 3, which will start it on boot.


Also, restart Enigma in debug mode as you as the boot boots, and when it freezes next time, maybe the debug log has answers...

Thank you for the info, WanWizard, I didn't know it.
How can I edit the symlinks, considering there's no systemctl command on Enigma2?

In Topic: OpenPLi 8.0 and remote ssh issue

16 February 2021 - 22:43

Well, I've finally understood what happened: most of the times, when the STB freezes and I'm forced to switch it on manually, for some strange reason, the VPN connection, which I had previously set up, starts and, of course, the host can be reached only through the internal network.
Quite frankly speaking, this Zgemma is driving me mad!!!!!

In Topic: OpenPLi 8.0 and remote ssh issue

15 February 2021 - 23:11

Did you set a password to the root account first?
If there is no password set ssh won't work.
Connect in telnet and type:
Then setup a password.

Thank you, Pr2, it was obviously the first thing I did before configuring this and other services.

In Topic: Setting an FTP server

14 February 2021 - 09:48

Vsftpd is installed by default but can, of course, be uninstalled/reinstalled through opkg.
No specific goal about using it, just enabling one more service to see if it works outside my own WLAN (port forwarding).