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Member Since 28 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active 06 Apr 2012 07:06

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In Topic: Tuner Server-Is it possible?

1 March 2012 - 10:49

could it be get from black hole and put into openpli ? or it is not the right way?

maybe it is open source...

i will try it on open pli et9000 tonight....

In Topic: Tuner Server-Is it possible?

29 February 2012 - 22:20

it would be really nice to have the possibility to "mount" a tuner via LAN on a MediaPlayer device like the PopcornHour since it is a mediaplayer far superior to everything we can lay our hands on on any STB.

Could you therefore give it some consideration ???

I agree however that this feature is really not necessary for accessing the STB by another STB (Partnerbox already there) or by a PC (Webinterface and VLC perfectly cover this topic)


could it be get from black hole and put into openpli ? or it is not the right way?

In Topic: Tuner Server-Is it possible?

29 February 2012 - 10:28



that is not the same thing. with blackhole tuner server, you can watch e2 channels directly from PS3 or popcorn etc (UPnP). no need to extra linux machine.

it would be great if we have that option in pli also (et9000).

thanks any way,