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Member Since 30 May 2007
Offline Last Active 14 Jul 2015 17:27

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In Topic: External Audio Dac

21 November 2013 - 11:03

Thanks Erik.

Hello dAF2000 no I am no expert on Dacs the Bushmaster is the first Dac that I have owned. I am well pleased with the audio many other people have commented how good it sounds in comparison with much more expensive Dac's. I have it running with my Roksan Caspian Bi-Amp, Vu+Uno and a cheap Cambridge Azure 340C I bought in a boot sale for £30 the Cambridge sounds stunning as a transport.  I paid £180 for the Bushmaster I would recommend it to anyone, the best bit of kit I have bought for a long time. But do not forget to burn it in as it sounds miles better. meekee

In Topic: External Audio Dac

20 November 2013 - 22:18

Thank you Erik I am testing a Beresford Bushmaster Dac MK 2 and I am trying to find the best format for the audio it sounds very good.

In Topic: External Audio Dac

19 November 2013 - 17:09

Thank you Erik I have sorted it out I was trying to play  .ogg audio files I am now using .mp3 audio files. Is it possible to play .ogg files? which audio coding sounds best in your opinion? thanks meekee