Hi. I appreciate any comments. I have a DM800HD and managed to get İPTV working on it successfully. I have downloaded via webgrab the necessary EPG info using my laptop and can transfer it to the box. I set up my system as explained above and else where but I am having the following problem:
If my service ids are the same for all streams (in channels and bouquet files) then the appropriate epg info is imported but graphmultiepg shows the same epg event for all streams. That is as expected since the system can not resolve different streams from each other if they all do not have different service id.
-Now- if I assign different service ids as explained above my epgimport log lists all the streams and says they are not found in the bouquet (even though they are there). it seems that any deviation from 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: (and subsequently 1:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:) causes the not found in bouquet error.
Any ideas how to solve this please? Many thanks.