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Member Since 3 Mar 2021
Offline Last Active 21 Jun 2021 11:17

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In Topic: A script to get signal levels for a satellite

3 March 2021 - 10:27


I tried to run the script from athoik (post#12, sorry for not replying as quote but somehow I missed the link while writing) on my zgemma H2 box and I get logs like these below:

exception using -2147193018
exception using -2147193019
exception using -2147324088
exception using -2147324089
exception using -2147193018
exception using -2147193019
exception using -2147324088
exception using -2147324089
exception using -2147193018
exception using -2147193019
exception using -2147324088
exception using -2147324089

 It looks like all ioclt calls fail with exception. I changed your code to dump the exception message which is "Operation not permitted".


 Am I doing something wrong? I tested it with both frontend0 and frontend1 but I get the same results.