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Dan Daemon

Member Since 13 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 17 Dec 2016 00:01

Topics I've Started

What about PLi-Full-HD-Night

11 February 2013 - 17:19

Hello guys,

Where this skin gone?

"PLi-Full-HD-Night"... It was installed by default on my STB and I copied to my computer. Then it is gone...

Will you continue working over this one? Since I like it too much.


11 February 2013 - 15:45

Hello everyone,

Do somebody have the description for each area in file keymap.xml?

Like there is the section:
<map context="ListboxActions">

What for? And what means "ListboxActions"? Where are we use it?

SOLO2: OpenPLi 3.0

26 January 2013 - 16:59

Hey guys,

Do I need to do any special steps before update to OpenPLi 3.0 with my new VU+ SOLO2?

I tried update receiver today but got no luck. The update process stucks on first step,
LED screen shows something like:
1. Erasing
2. Flashing
3. UBIFS Update
and then stuck on step 3.

No reading data from USB, no other actions.

What can it be?

OpenPLi + WinQuest 460 rotor

9 November 2012 - 12:25

Hello everyone,

I have problem to configure my HH rotor under OpenPLi with Postioner Setup plugin...

The rotor works great on GI ST9196, but not with OpenPLi...

Do I have any chance to fix it? If yes, please show me topic where can I read it.