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Member Since 12 Mar 2021
Offline Last Active 23 Apr 2021 22:20

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In Topic: Qviart Lunix 4K LED control

25 March 2021 - 22:08

Okay, thank you for responses, I will learn to live with it as it is.

In Topic: Qviart Lunix 4K LED control

20 March 2021 - 11:43

yes, and it is possible to create such files? I don't know exactly how it works.

In Topic: Qviart Lunix 4K LED control

17 March 2021 - 22:54

I got this:
openpli 6.1 lunix4k

lunix4k login: root
Last login: Mon Mar 15 23:38:43 CET 2021 on pts/0
root@lunix4k:~# grep -r "" /proc/stb/fp

In Topic: Qviart Lunix 4K LED control

17 March 2021 - 22:31

If the option exists, it is in menu - setup - system - expert settings - display setup.

I checked the display setup, but there are options only for display eg. brightness etc. nothing for front LEDs

In Topic: Qviart Lunix 4K LED control

17 March 2021 - 22:23

I tried a plugin called LED manager, but it was in OpenATV, because in OpenPLI it won't be installed and during installation in OpenPLI it said: 0 plugins were installed or removed. When I tried to run the LED  manager firstly, the receiver get frozen so I restarted him and when I tried it second time it said that no LEDs are in front panel. Okay, thank you all for the answers :)