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Member Since 21 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 19 Jan 2013 03:57

Topics I've Started

DM800SE image - Chinese words EPG unicode display problem ?

10 May 2012 - 03:59

Dear all, is there any way to read chinese words EPG correctly in DM800SE ? something like Pli team fixed for Thailand words unicode problem....TQ


DM800 image - Thailand words EPG unicode display problem ?

22 March 2012 - 07:38

Dear all, recently I flash my DM800 to latest update and I found out Thailand words EPG are not display correctly (looks like unicode problem). May I know is the latest build no longer support thai words EPG ? for your info my previous image are build somewhere around September 2011 and the thai words EPG works fine..... any ideas ? thanks :)