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Member Since 26 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 20 Jan 2021 01:12

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In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

27 April 2012 - 20:11

I think streaming from webif is just http, didn't notice any way to stream any other protocol.

To get plugins to work I've had to go through the code in the plugin in files and change any hard links to point to /usr/local/e2/ instead of just / and that works around the path problem that Pr2 mentioned. Probably will still be some plugins that just won't work though.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

24 April 2012 - 17:24


I think problem is in OpenpliPC because when unplug all usb tuner and plug first time DVB-t tuner and after DVB-S2 tuner and generate another nim file DVB-T work and DVB-S2 not and when switch to a DVB-S channel get error Check tuner configuration.... Both tuner work with VDR and w_scan software.

$ cat /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets

and post the results here.

cat /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets
NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Montage Technology DS3000/TS2020
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0

NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: TerraTec/qanu USB2.0 Highspeed DVB-T Receiver
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0

Ok, so both are configured for use. One thing that comes to mind is are the tuners always being loaded in the same order at boot? Is the DVB-S always adapter0 and the DVB-T always adapter1 or do they get reversed at times. Usually there is an adapter_nr= module option that you can specify for the bridge controller module that will force the tuner to go to the same adapter number all the time. I have two DVB-S2 pci cards and 90% of the time they load in the same order, but occaisonally they get reversed. I set these options and I no longer have a problem with that.

To check the order you can do....

$ dmesg | grep adapter

It'll show you which is adapter0 and which is adapter1 and what the bridge controller module is. If they are loaded in the correct order and you still have an issue then obviously there is some other problem.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

20 April 2012 - 19:45


I think problem is in OpenpliPC because when unplug all usb tuner and plug first time DVB-t tuner and after DVB-S2 tuner and generate another nim file DVB-T work and DVB-S2 not and when switch to a DVB-S channel get error Check tuner configuration.... Both tuner work with VDR and w_scan software.

$ cat /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets

and post the results here.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

17 April 2012 - 21:15

Hi bluzee,

mine is linked against libavutil.so.51.
libavutil.so.51 => /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavutil.so.51 (0xb6a2d000)

Perhaps that's the problem.

Hard to say. I get the same problem no matter what xine-lib version I try to compile on Ubuntu 11.04. I found some packages to upgrade ffmpeg on the old Mandriva to a version close to what I have on Ubuntu 11.04 (6.2 or 6.3) and it compiled fine on Mandriva again and works when I move it over to Ubunutu. I have 50 and 51 on Ubuntu but the devel files are for 50. I should try removing those devel files and install for the newer version and see what happens maybe.

I have the same issue (clock of my computer changes sometimes). That's really ugly. At a short look I didn't find the causing source code. Did you try to set the parameter (config.misc.useTransponderTime)? Did it help?

I set that config option but it will still change my computer's time. I just chown -R /usr/local/e2 to my username and run as regular user instead of sudo. Clock doesn't get changed that way.

Figured out how to get some xmltv listings into the EPG. Not great sources for XMLTV listings in North America, but got some listings for the main channels. Handier for recording shows with the EPG.

Only crashes on one channel now. CBS HD 35Mbps 1080i 4:2:2 mpeg2. Doesn't crash with vdpau, but vdpau won't play 4:2:2. If I switch to xshm or opengl which should play OK it crashes. Probably can't deal with the high bitrate.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

10 April 2012 - 02:34

config.misc.useTransponderTime=false ??