I'm trying to track the cause of a couple of problems that I am having with my DM8000 from since a couple of month ago. I keep updating the box every week but the problems haven't gone away:
- box crash when recording. The box will crash when recording, but not always. sometimes it can be almost a week before it crashes. It records a couple of programs every day. When it crashes I see the recording message on the OLED and touching the front button will make the box automatically reboot.
- enigma2 crash when fast forwarding on cutlist editor. This happens I think when there was some think of problem with the recording ( like bad weather that causes skipped frames or something ). The rotating icon will go on and on and the box is unresponsive. I can ssh into it and restart enigma2 and everything will work again but enigma will crash again on the exact same place.
- on cutlist editor when fast forwarding on some recordings the preview windows will display one frame and then a couple of seconds another and this repeats itself, while about 20% of the preview window will display the fast forward movie at the correct speed.
So, How can I track this, specially the first two? I can't find any crashlog on my box. there's nothing on /home/root or /var/log or /hdd/.