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Member Since 30 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 20 Apr 2012 18:36

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Connect to GPRS device with pppd

30 March 2012 - 14:21

Hi experts,

First of all, great initiative getting OpenPli together, impressive work!

I have a small projekt of mine where I want to hook a GPRS modem to my DM600PVR via the serial port. I installed the DM600PVR OpenPli image the other day and found what I needed, after installing the "kernel-module-ppp*" packages with dependencies I got pppd to run.

However, I am not able to connect to the GPRS device through pppd. It behaves as if the modem cannot be initialized in some way. My ppp script is configured to communicate with /dev/tts/0, but I found there are 2 additional ports on the DM600.

ppp script - http://mcfrisk.kapsi...rs-connect-chat (I change the "internet" part)
pppd config - http://mcfrisk.kapsi.fi/gprs (changed the Connect script, serial port and user part)

- Which of the serial ports is the "external" RS-232 port on the DM600?
- Is there a minicom install package available for the DM600(I found none with ipkg)? This would make it easier to check the communication with the modem. Are there any alternative applications?
- Could it be that I need to initialized the modem via the ppp script? If yes, what command should I use?

Thanks in advance for any tip/help with gettings this running