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Member Since 30 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 14 Apr 2012 04:21

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In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

31 March 2012 - 22:36

What else needs to be done (from a programming point of view) for me to test? Thanks.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

31 March 2012 - 21:24

Wow. Thanks for starting! I wish I was a programmer. I am just linux and satellite geek. Do you know if ATSC and QAM are much different than DVB-S? I know other open source apps like mythtv and tvheadend support ATSC and QAM. Maybe they can be used a reference.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

31 March 2012 - 16:27

e2 currently has no ATSC support (though probably not too hard to implement this, we need somebody with hardware and an ATSC signal, to do the job)

I have the hardware and signal and can act as a proxy for the programmer to test with. Please let me know if I can help. Thanks!

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

31 March 2012 - 13:52


If you mean DVB-T or DVB-C yes it will work with OpenpliPC (either with a physical card in the PC or via vtuner).
Analogic signal is not supported by E2.


Thanks for the response I am trying to use DVB-S2 for SAT and a ATSC/Clear QAM digital DVB card for unencrypted cable in US. Should this work? Thanks.

In Topic: Build Script for Openpli Enigma2 on Ubuntu 10.4 32 Bit

31 March 2012 - 02:24

Hello. I am completely new to this project. I hope you don't mind me asking a question. Would I be able to utilize a QAM tuner such as an Avermedia A180 with this project? If not natively, could I use it through a VTUNER? Thanks.