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Member Since 8 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active 29 Aug 2024 23:16

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In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

14 October 2020 - 22:13

Over the last few days i have most things 12h on openatv now and found out it related to FuzzyDate.pyo and using strftime

changing '%d:%02d to strftime(config.usage.time.short.value, d) etc etc


I had a little try with openpli to but will try again later


some of the  pyo have %02d:%02d and does seem be everywhere. what is 24h


any ideas how to get am/pm from


t = localtime(int(epgList[x][1]))
tmp = "%01d:%02d" % (t.tm_hour, t.tm_min)

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

12 October 2020 - 00:22

Well im none the wiser but i found out that openvix have a way to change everything with a simple 12 to 24 switch.


In openvix you can set date style and time style i think this is the same in openatv.

Openvix will switch epg guild epg search and timers 12h or 24h iv even tried usa lol


openatv can not do epg guild search or timers etc, well not with the matrix or ultimate skin

The only thing i can see what changes is etc/enigma2 settings



could openpli offer this option in th future??

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

10 October 2020 - 18:35

With translation you can ‘translate a 24 format to 12 format...

could you show us a example please

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

10 October 2020 - 17:00

Tbh it doesnt make where you live im uk and also perfer 12h


The problem i have found that you can edit most skins to get 12h not a problem but things like timer list and single epg etc are not so easy. Openvix is the only image iv seen 12h but one skin is 24h

I started to think its to do with getting the time and openvix geolocation but havent tested.


Not so easy when your not a skin maker lol

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

10 October 2020 - 15:15

If you want 12h then openvix works fine. Iv been looking into 12h for a while and if i do work out how i will post back