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Member Since 17 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active 15 Aug 2023 12:03

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In Topic: Vu+ Duo4k picture and Audio Drift Apart

19 July 2023 - 09:44

I changed back and forth between Passthrough and Downmix over the past couple of days. Downmix always leads to a drift of the audio to lag behind video (all the latest updates installed).


Passthrough keeps audio and video synced and toggling Downmix and Passthrough brings audio in Downmix back to sync for a while. What a strange issue!


I have permanent time shift activated and use it frequently. I have the impression that using it could increase the lag.


I will now try a fresh install from scratch and see what happens...

In Topic: Vu+ Duo4k picture and Audio Drift Apart

5 July 2023 - 18:13

So I changed AC3 / AAC in the general A/V settings for all channels from Downmix to Passthrough a while ago (and just a toggle in the channel's audio menu to re-sync).


Since then I have not noticed audio drifting out of sync. Very weird issue, as I have a Uno4kSE and Duo4kSE with very similar configurations that never have drifted.


Will change back to Downmix in a while and check if audio starts drifting out of sync again.

In Topic: Vu+ Duo4k picture and Audio Drift Apart

29 June 2023 - 00:27

Is it also when you leave it always on passthrough? What is behind audio or video? If video disable all video options on your TV.




Good point, I can try to leave it in passthrough to check if it drifts apart in that mode too...


It is a bit hard to tell because it is not seconds (maybe just 100ms after a while), but I think audio is behind video.

In Topic: Vu+ Duo4k picture and Audio Drift Apart

29 June 2023 - 00:23

Are you using an A/V receiver between the VU+ and the TV?


Nope, and by toggling the red button in the Openpli audio menu it immediately is totally in sync again (until it slowly starts to drift more and more again). So it must be something happening in the Duo4k...

In Topic: Vu+ Duo4k picture and Audio Drift Apart

26 June 2023 - 19:55

Streaming media? Or broadcast media?


With streaming media this is quite common, sync information sometimes gets lost after transcoding.


Broadcast media (yes, streaming can be totally out of sync for a lot of reasons...).


Very strange, has been lthat way ike a very long time (maybe even from the beginning when I was an early adopter of the then new Duo4k with OpenPli).