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Member Since 18 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active 09 Oct 2012 20:06

#276540 updated recipes packages

Posted by mrk72 on 13 May 2012 - 22:02

This patches introduces samba 3.6.5 and cifs-utils

Samba 3.6 is the first version, which provides SMB2 protocol used in vista/win 7.
mount.cifs is no longer part of samba, therefore I created the new packages cifs-utils.

The new samba and cifs-utils conflicts with the old package cifs.
So cifs has to be deleted before updating samba or installing cifs-utils.

Patch No. 15 sets the openPLi config to the new packages.

by the way, this version is a security patch, too!

#275953 updated recipes packages

Posted by mrk72 on 9 May 2012 - 21:54

AVAHI update 0.6.31

This patch updates avahi to version 0.6.31 and gives more compatibility in OSX LION environments.
It also includes a config file for http.service as default.

Attached Files

#275802 updated recipes packages

Posted by mrk72 on 8 May 2012 - 23:20

So here is the patch without the modprobe changes.

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#272669 updated recipes packages

Posted by mrk72 on 21 April 2012 - 21:47

I don't know if it's more useful to open a new thread for every single updated package-patch.
Therefore I will put my patches in this thread here.

If someone doesn't likes this, just post.


The attached package will correct package djmount.
The present package stops working while do_configure,
because the updated autoreconf tools doesn't like the config files in djmount.

The old autoreconf tools doesn't matter about this and worked on.

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#272668 opkg-utils

Posted by mrk72 on 21 April 2012 - 21:33

Try the patch attached for opkg-utils

#272037 opkg-utils

Posted by mrk72 on 19 April 2012 - 10:16

The attached patches will correct Your issues.

Patch 0001 will update libpng to version 1.5.10, because 1.5.5 has an security issue an has been deleted.

Patch 0002 corrects the SRC_URI to bitbake macro KERNELORG_MIRROR

Patch 0003 is also required by patch 0002 and sets KERNELORG_MIRROR to a mirror service, which copies kernel.org-ftp site.
This is necessary, because on http - kernel.org many files are missing.

Patch 0004 sets download url to savannah.

Apply them with
patch -p1 < patch-file

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