Do not just restart, but switch it off and unplug it for a minute or so.
Thx. That did work. Now the clock is correct.
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27 April 2013 - 17:50
Do not just restart, but switch it off and unplug it for a minute or so.
Thx. That did work. Now the clock is correct.
25 April 2013 - 17:15
Try it but didn`t work. Did try several channels but whitout sucess... Still 10 min to late..
9 May 2012 - 19:49
1 May 2012 - 19:15
Oh you mean the setup wizard. I have never ever used that, so I am sorry. You can always skip that step and use the "normal" way of scanning services.
1 May 2012 - 16:17
Wat do you call an automatic scan? The menu option with that name, a FASTscan or a NETWORKscan?