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Member Since 6 May 2012
Offline Last Active 09 Apr 2024 22:45

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In Topic: TBS 5925

31 March 2017 - 15:35



I'm trying to lock on the two PLS COMBO transponders in Hispasat. I'm using the TBS5925 and SDG experimental image but no luck so far. I could swear I already locked 11491 V with PLS code 2388 COMBO in the past, but I can't figure out what I'm doing different this time.


Has anyone had any success with PLS Combo?

In Topic: TBS 5925

22 August 2016 - 20:44

The patches for MIS/PLS are not included in OpenPLi 4. They will merged in OpenPLi 5.


Thanks for clearing that out!


Is there an estimate for a first release date of OpenPli 5? What's the best thread to follow that development?

In Topic: TBS 5925

22 August 2016 - 15:39

I'm currently testing on my ET9200 with Openpli updated as of yesterday.

I don't seem to get the TBS 6925 locking MIS transponders as I did on the test image. The card Is working on normal ones.


I did replace the satellites.xml on /etc/tuxbox...


What else could be the problem? I suspect wrong driver or packet management/ installation... how can I be sure of this?

In Topic: TBS 5925

17 August 2016 - 19:33

Good, I will push changes soon.


You mean, on the normal OpenPli builds? That would be nice, although I'm actually also liking this image :)


Tested just now on Hispasat the "La Mancha" TP with my Famaval 240cm, and also works. As expected, DVB-S2 modulations are more sensitive to lack of signal and LNB quality issues. MIS transponders seem (apparently to me) even a little more sensitive.

In Topic: TBS 5925

17 August 2016 - 18:38

More good news!

The situation has improved very much.


First, I copied the satellites.xml not only to etc/tubxbox  but also to etc/enigma2/ and rebooted.

Then, I used a shorter USB cable to connect to ET9200 and used the back USB port rather than the front one.

Finannaly, switched to a bigger dish to eliminate satellite signal issues.


I can now tune to pretty much all MIS transponders on 5ºW.

I tested LA Mancha TP on Hispasat, with a small dish and no signal. Will try now with the big one.


BTW, this image seems to manage to control my 1.2 diseqc VBOX...


So far so good!

Congratulations to all!