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Member Since 7 May 2012
Offline Last Active 07 Apr 2016 16:08

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In Topic: Stream stop

7 December 2015 - 21:39

Don't worry about bh.

There is openbh that it is open and pli based and have only to be updated. And bh will adapt itself.

But the problem is not for bh but for vu+ official and derivates. It will be alway more difficoult to survive for Vu+ derivates in this way. And always with not nice words and comments.

But you think you are always in the right and good. ok. let's go.

Lets hope they will do it.. I am happy that za VU+  I can use openpli since day and not having single issue. Plus I love OPENPLI team which is open on suggestions and really here to help end users with some issues.


I know there is so many of my friends who have DM 800 HD or so and still doesnt work for them..


Pitty is there that there is no openpli 4.0 for dreambox 800HD..

In Topic: Stream stop

6 December 2015 - 22:13

Hi Ozz..


that is only channel that is promo and dont need to have u=USER.


All other ones we have need to have u=User which identified the user as paid customer.


After latest update on OPENPLI i can see that 1:0:1 reference work as charm again !!


PS. Openpli Team : thank you !