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Member Since 8 May 2012
Offline Last Active 18 May 2012 14:56

Posts I've Made

In Topic: scarlett-hd-window-m-mod-pli

11 May 2012 - 14:09

Can you tell me where it is looking for the picon images?
It doesn't display the picons on mine....


In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

8 May 2012 - 15:50

Hi, great EPG guide.

Question: when using the VU+ Ultimo the remote control has an EPG button and I would like to have this button start the "Cool TV Guide" functionality.
Is that possible?

Now I know I can change the settings on the Cool TV Guide Setup page/functionality, but I don't see an option to assign the "Cool TV Guide" to the EPG button.

