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Member Since 5 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active 19 Mar 2013 17:24

Topics I've Started

Freeze when recording to NAS in PLi 3.0

13 January 2013 - 06:58

Having problem with recordings to FreeNas server after upgrade to PLi 3.0.
The recordings freeze in a few seconds , so playback of these recordings is not fun.
Same problem with SD as HD recordings.
If i playback "old" recordings that was done with PLi 2.0 its no problem.

Had same issue a few years ago when i upgrade to 2.0 (i think it was 2.0), i did get help here with edit something but i can't remeber how to do it.
Tried to find the thread but might be to old.

FreeNas server
Wired gigabit lan

Vu+Duo SNR 93% , no more SNR 99%

6 January 2013 - 19:44

Have two Vu+Duo one with Open PLi 3.0, this show max SNR 93% ,before software update in mid dec it showed 99%.
Today i reflash my second Vu+Duo with Open PLi 3.0 13-01-06, now this box also show max SNR 93% , before it showed 99% with PLi 2.0.

Is anybody more than me having this "problem" ? I did try to google this but no luck.
I have 3 dishes ,all is motorised , i cant belive that all 3 dishes suddenly is out of arc.