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Member Since 19 May 2012
Offline Last Active 04 Jun 2012 22:23

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In Topic: FYI The Argolis ® Triple Reader /CONFIG

22 May 2012 - 12:43

I appreciate the help. However, unfortunately - for the record of any casual visitor "visiting" - it's still not working. I'll investigate elsewhere I guess.

I'd rather crack one problem at a time, rather than jumping to learning another step - flashing the dreambox. Although, OpenPli looks amazing/superior in terms of English documentation tutorials and is certainly something I will be looking at using in the future.

In Topic: FYI The Argolis ® Triple Reader /CONFIG

21 May 2012 - 11:51

So, what steps do I need to get it working then?

Surely, even though lsusb isn't working correctly (I believe this is just a tool to list devices...in telenet) I would be able to correctly configure.

In theory therefore, are you saying that if I have the config file setup - as I've already done with the serial number, if I use the same references in CCcam.cfg it'll work?

Thanks in advance.

In Topic: FYI The Argolis ® Triple Reader /CONFIG

21 May 2012 - 10:13

Yeah, the lsusb doesn't seem to work as intended. I've tried installing the "proper way" by way of libusb and usbdriver however, I can't find a libusb compiled for mispel as an ipk package.

I don't particularly need the serial-number, I can see it working on the blue panel, hardware menus - I can identify the serial number here.

However, since it's being detected as a CD ROM - I don't believe it's working right. Surely, the references won't work either?

I've screenprinted out puts of dmesg in the above zip ifle.

In Topic: FYI The Argolis ® Triple Reader /CONFIG

20 May 2012 - 22:59

Thanks for your help thus far, however, as far as I can tell.....it's still not "mapping" correctly - it's detecting as a CD ROM drive and isn't naming the files for me to reference in the CCcam config file.

I believe that the "lsusb" item that I am using may be the source of the problem? I've installed this as a plugin.

I have performed the opkg operations described above in the original reply - thanks! I've uploaded the file into the correct location via FTP.

Please see what I've done/using attached:


Please advise how to proceed.

In Topic: FYI The Argolis ® Triple Reader /CONFIG

20 May 2012 - 17:44

Thanks for the advise,

However....lsusb doesn't seem to work - please see the attached image:


opkg gives a similar result.