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Member Since 20 May 2012
Offline Last Active 28 Sep 2012 02:31

Posts I've Made

In Topic: unsure of what firmware i have

23 May 2012 - 05:06

Hi Hemi.
do I back it up in the hard drive? and what is the best modern image to use


In Topic: unsure of what firmware i have

22 May 2012 - 22:57

Hi Hemisperical1,

Thanks for that information,
what is the best way to do this?
can it be done via USB,

In Topic: unsure of what firmware i have

22 May 2012 - 18:38

I tried to update mine with some plugin's and it comes up with something about may need to run opkg_updater and didn't update and I have no idea where to get that from , the box is not connected all the time to the net as there is no point near where it is for this .

Enigma may 9 2011 No branch
Image unavailable
Front processer ver0

i got this 2nd had, it goes good just wanted some extras, never had anything to do with Linux before
