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Member Since 6 Oct 2021
Offline Last Active 31 Jan 2022 14:09

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [German] Missing EPG

16 January 2022 - 20:15

Sorry for double-post, but I found this:
https://www.texxas.d...Bundesliga UHD/
Could this work? When clicking on the program i get also the matches..

In Topic: [German] Missing EPG

16 January 2022 - 20:08

Hey.. Had not the time to test it today, sorry. But great if it's working again. If the matches with the playing clubs are shown it's enough (for me). That's tge most important info :)

In Topic: [German] Missing EPG

15 January 2022 - 15:30

Hello, i have no epg on the Sky Sport Bundesliga Channels. Is it a generally problem or just in my case?

In Topic: [German] Missing EPG

4 January 2022 - 23:44

Added the productiondate (and cast) to channels grabbed from tv.de


Sorry I just read your messages - but as I see you`ve fixed it already :-)


greeeeeeeeat, thank you :-)

In Topic: [German] Missing EPG

1 January 2022 - 18:59

I just saw that some german channels (DE Basic) don't have the year information anymore? (I'm pretty sure that they had it). Are they scraped from a different site now?
For example ProSieben (AT Basic includes also ProSieben and has the year information)

Thanks in advance :)