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Member Since 30 Oct 2021
Offline Last Active 03 Nov 2021 19:56

Posts I've Made

In Topic: STB encountered a sofware pb - green screen

2 November 2021 - 22:00

yes I can have access from telnet I'm using DCC

please show me what to do please

In Topic: STB encountered a sofware pb - green screen

1 November 2021 - 17:42

that's my big issue can't have access to anything from the remote, got the green screen as soon as I use it expect for volume and channels from numpad


Still don't understand why the box is not booting from my flashdrive !!!!

In Topic: STB encountered a sofware pb - green screen

1 November 2021 - 16:47

Thanks for your help but this is not working, I have tried this many times but the Vu+ is not booting on the USB even if i used both ports and differents USB sticks


It comes back to existing image and then keep my issue with green screen going

In Topic: STB encountered a sofware pb - green screen

1 November 2021 - 13:28

Thanks Mimisiku


Please how you proceed a clean flash on my box


Also is it possible to extend the memory?

