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álvaro fonseca

Member Since 27 Dec 2021
Offline Last Active 30 Dec 2021 20:02

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Perda de serviço de satelite hispasat (Loss of satellite service hispasat)

28 December 2021 - 17:22

Good afternoon.

I inform you that I have purchased a DVB-s2x + DVB-s2x ultra HD H9 satellite receiver. 2.s 4K Linux Wifi Zgemma on 30/09/2021 and I can't see the channels for some time.

Can you clarify something about this situation? thanks

In Topic: Perda de serviço de satelite hispasat (Loss of satellite service hispasat)

28 December 2021 - 16:22

Boa tarde.

Venho por este meio informar que adquiri receptor de satélite DVB-s2x + DVB-s2x ultra HD H9. 2.s 4K Linux Wi-fi Zgemma no dia 30-9-2021 e já há algum tempo que não consigo ver os canais.

pode me esclarecer algo sobre esta situação? obrigado 


[English translation from google translate]

Good afternoon.

I hereby inform you that I have acquired a DVB-s2x + DVB-s2x ultra HD H9 satellite receiver. 2.s 4K Linux Wi-fi Zgemma on 9-30-2021 and I can't see the channels for some time.

Can you clarify something about this situation? thanks