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Member Since 6 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active 06 Aug 2012 23:09

Topics I've Started

Why is the plugin enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelessaccesspoint not available?

27 July 2012 - 15:20

Hello all!
Why is the plugin enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelessaccesspoint not available on OpenPLi?
This plugin uses hostapd to turn a USB wireless adapter into an Access Point. It also configures a bridge between eth0 and the wireless adaptor.

I found some of the changes needed on vuplus_openembedded GIT repository:

Can you help me add this plugin to OpenPLi?
Thank you!

Vu+ Solo OpenPLi > 2.1-beta-vusolo-20120714_usb doesn't work

24 July 2012 - 20:49

I had Vu+ Solo working with OpenPLi-2.1-beta-vusolo-20120614_usb.zip.
BlackHole- also worked.

I tried installing images since OpenPLi-2.1-beta-vusolo-20120714_usb.zip and
but all fail to install.

Vu+ Solo is always rebooting (takes a while) and no image is output to TV (HDMI).

Is anyone having the same problem?
Is this a known issue?
Can it be the image size?
The OpenPLi kernel is the same size, so i'm ruling out the kernel.
Help? Please? :)

Thank you!

edit: Older versions still work when flashed.