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Member Since 15 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active 23 Sep 2020 06:56

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In Topic: VU+ Zero

29 September 2015 - 07:41



When you install yourself the HDD the tax is paid on the HDD itself when you purchase it.  There are in many countries a tax for "private copy" which is mandatory on "blank media".







this amount(copyright levy) dealer and end user have to pay anyway if they purchase an HDD. 


This means if a dealer is mounting the HDD and sell it the additionally fee 34 €+7% VAT have to be paid.

But if end user mount the HDD in STB no additionally fee( Gema or ZPÜ 34€ +7%VAT ) have to be paid.

Remember the amount(copyright levy) is paid in both cases.
So I think it's an big price difference for customer but at the end the box can do exactly the same (recording).

Thats the reason why most Enigma manufactrers at low price level are doing in this way.

In Topic: VU+ Zero

28 September 2015 - 07:42


Its not an import taxe it's a license fee different in eache country which you have to pay even you never record anything ( PVR ready fee) in Germany it's 13 € +VAT!

License fee???? For licensing what, codecs, Broadcom SoC, HDMI, ???

Or you mean duty (which in fact is just the same as tax).

Please explain or supply a link.

I guess most people using the Zero only as zapping box or steaming client from other boxes so why to pay for something you never will use?

Yeah, sure, just like most enigma receivers are bought for their Linux environment, dream on...




please have a look at

this shows you the feee for PVR ready .
This shows you the fee for HDD built in.

Google translated
Tariff  of the Central office for private copying rights (ZPÜ)
Civil law, represented by the managing partner, GEMA (GEMA), Munich
the remuneration in accordance with §§ 54, 54a of the Copyright Act (remuneration for private copying) for
- Set-top boxes with HDD / TV receiver with HDD / HDD recorder
- Set-top boxes without HDD / TV receiver without HDD, but each with recording function
on external hard drive
I. remuneration in accordance with §§ 54, 54a of the Copyright Act
The remuneration for the functions performed by the ZPÜ compensation claims by the
§§ 54, 54a of the Copyright Act, in each case plus any applicable VAT (currently 7%):
1. Compensation in accordance with §§ 54, 54a of the Copyright Act for the period from 01.01.2008
Product revenue per piece
Set-top boxes without HDD / TV receivers without HDD, but each with recording function
on external hard drive € 13.00

2. Remuneration in accordance with §§ 54, 54a of the Copyright Act for the period from 01.01.2010
Product revenue per piece

f. Set-top boxes with HDD / TV receiver HDD / HDD recorder € 34.00

I hope you see now it's not related to any import taxe.


In Topic: VU+ Zero

27 September 2015 - 08:54

I don't think you've understood the issue.

Many (all?) EU-countries have extra taxes on devices that can record audio/video. So this comes on top of any import taxes. By selling the Zero as a device that is not able to record, you will not have to pay this extra tax. But in the meantime VU has supplied a patch to overcome this 'limitation'; so in the end you do have a recording device without having paid taxes for it.

And yes: that is illegal, whether you like it or not. If you don't like these kind of taxes, make sure you vote on the 'correct' party during the next elections, but don't illegally refuse to pay them.


History repeats itself; years ago we had the same with Sony video camera's. They had no 'video-in', so they could only record what the lens saw. Until Sony leaked a patch for this.

So companies haven't matured since then.....


i think there is a misunderstanding at your side.

Its not an import taxe it's a license fee different in eache country which you have to pay even you never record anything ( PVR ready fee) in Germany it's 13 € +VAT!


Spezially issue you have in case you buy a STB with built in HDD (in Germany you have tp pay 34 € +VAT) In Swiss the fee is much higher depending the HDD size.

BUT if you buy it without HDD and mount by yourself no need to pay this high fee (you can do exactly the same as if you buy it with built in HDD)!!!

I guess most people using the Zero only as zapping box or steaming client from other boxes so why to pay for something you never will use?

In Topic: CA Module CI+ Vu+ ?

30 April 2015 - 13:44

so PLi will not support CI+ because it's illegal?

I think CI+ function isn't more illegal than CCcam or other softcams.

In Topic: VU+ Zero

28 April 2015 - 08:12

The fact remains that it is a bit lame of VU+ just to spare about 4 euro's to do this.



I think you are wrong because in some countries it's much more than only 4 €. In Germany for example the fee is 13 € netto (15,47 € incl. VAT)!!!
This means the price for the box would be more than 10% higher !!!! Not all people are looking for a cheap STB with PVR function most of them are using it as a client.
Most advertisements I've seen are not talking about PVR ready function.
Other point is I guess 90% of competitors ar doing it in the same way .
Example Xtrend is using Open Pli even for Twin PVR products without PVR function!!!!