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In Topic: Anpassungen bzgl. der Benutzersteuerung, Bouquet, EPG Usw.
1 July 2012 - 20:52
Bouquets kann man mit P+/P- wechseln
In Topic: [Feature request] EPG
24 June 2012 - 10:28
sorry, haven't had time to include this in the skin, yet. I've tried a few ways to use your code, but it didn't work for me.
Your code is good Dima73 - my attemps to implement this weren't that good .
I think that it would be possible to change the standard info with this? (Show 1Epg would be the standard).
So here's how I tried it:
installed EPGsearch
copied the 'ChannelSelection.py' to the Renderers
tried to edit the source, render,.... it didn't work
<screen name ="Channe lSelection" position="center,90" size="1120,570" title="Channel Selection">
<widget source =" ServiceEvent" render ="Label" position ="805,7 0" zPosition ="1 " size ="31 0,48" font="Regu la r;22" halign ="center" foregroundColor="yellow">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
Is this the right piece I've got to edit?
I've been editing the infobar and a few other things, but I couldn't use your code - because I'm to stupid for it
PS: is there a Howto for skins - with a list of the standard things and how everything works (sources,.... - so that I'm able to solve my problem on my own)?
sorry, haven't had time to include this in the skin, yet. I've tried a few ways to use your code, but it didn't work for me.
Your code is good Dima73 - my attemps to implement this weren't that good .
I think that it would be possible to change the standard info with this? (Show 1Epg would be the standard).
So here's how I tried it:
installed EPGsearch
copied the 'ChannelSelection.py' to the Renderers
tried to edit the source, render,.... it didn't work
<screen name ="Channe lSelection" position="center,90" size="1120,570" title="Channel Selection">
<widget source =" ServiceEvent" render ="Label" position ="805,7 0" zPosition ="1 " size ="31 0,48" font="Regu la r;22" halign ="center" foregroundColor="yellow">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
Is this the right piece I've got to edit?
I've been editing the infobar and a few other things, but I couldn't use your code - because I'm to stupid for it
PS: is there a Howto for skins - with a list of the standard things and how everything works (sources,.... - so that I'm able to solve my problem on my own)?
In Topic: [Feature request] EPG
17 June 2012 - 13:31
Probably the EPG button with e.g. graphical EPG is a better alternative then?
I think you can see more with the channel list. I don't know I just like the channel list more. As I said before: I'm using the Cool TV Guide, but it's not the perfect solution.
def keyNumberGlobal(self, number): unichar = self.numericalTextInput.getKey(number) charstr = unichar.encode("utf-8") if unichar == "1": self.Show1Epg() elif unichar == "2": self.Show2Epg() elif unichar == "3": self.Show3Epg() def Show1Epg(self): if fileExists("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/plugin.pyo"): from Plugins.Extensions.EPGSearch.EPGSearch import EPGSearch cur = self.getCurrentSelection() info = cur and eServiceCenter.getInstance().info(cur) epg_event=info and info.getEvent(cur) if epg_event: epg_name = epg_event and epg_event.getEventName() or '' self.session.open(EPGSearch, epg_name, False) def Show2Epg(self): if fileExists("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG/plugin.pyo"): from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar from Plugins.Extensions.GraphMultiEPG.plugin import main as gmepgmain if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: gmepgmain(self.session, InfoBar.instance.servicelist) def Show3Epg(self): from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.openMultiServiceEPG(InfoBar.instance)
nice, thank you. So EPG3 would be both entries? Sorry, I haven't coded something for the box and don't know Python (just a little bit of C#, VB.net - but not much )
In Topic: [Feature request] EPG
17 June 2012 - 10:10
OK, thank you very much littlesat (can't find any thank you-button) - I'll edit the skin today. Maybe someone can implement/edit this. Would be nice to see a function this year where you are able to see all next entries of the current channels in the list.
In Topic: [Feature request] EPG
16 June 2012 - 21:38
I added extra python code for that goal...
How does it show the next entry with Pli-HD?
Yes, but I have to add this to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer, right?
The python code is already in PLi.... you only need to add this to the skin... en the next EPG Info does not need a progress bar as the program did not start yet????
Yes, I know that theres no progress - therefore you don't need a progress-bar .
I think that space will be the problem. The overall best way would be to show the next Event instead of the current. (every skin could use it, right?)
My last question would be:
Does it show 'all' next Events or just that from the currently selected.
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