Thank you, if some progammers would be able to give me pointers on how to go about debugging I could try to do it, but probably the problem is single so of little interest...
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In Topic: error Pli image
17 August 2022 - 17:12
In Topic: error Pli image
17 August 2022 - 16:50
Muhhh... no nothing VERY strange, in the STB there's a USB stick attached and a hard disk, TVSat Card, Test skin PD1LOI-Full-HD (Mod skin PLi-FullNightHD) 1920x1080, ISetting ,EPG import that work the updates at night... patience I have to try again to delete everything and install the various plugins step by step to understand what could cause the crashes, Thank you for your patience...
excuse my English, I use translate
In Topic: error Pli image
17 August 2022 - 16:15
It is probably a bug or issue in the low-level C code, which is extremely hard to debug due to the lack of debugging information.
so difficult to solve? I posted in another forum, unfortunately without feedback on the solution, a user wrote perhaps a Pyton problem? I hope I get some advice ,thanks for any advice
In Topic: error Pli image
17 August 2022 - 14:50
does not happen at the same time or even in the same programme, a green screen appears and the receiver restarts as if nothing had happened.
In Topic: error Pli image
17 August 2022 - 14:26
Ciao,potete aiutarmi a capire perché il ricevitore si blocca, succede solo sui canali Mediaset, vi allego la segnalazione, purtroppo non ne capisco il senso.Grazie
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