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Member Since 12 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active 02 Aug 2012 12:34

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In Topic: Import rating with xmltv import?

25 July 2012 - 13:47

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for taking my request into consideration. If additional fields were to be added to the rytec xmltv, another candidate could be the "subtitle" field, which is also commonly used in MythTV to differentiate episodes and to display the titles of documentaries shown in generic programmes such as Panorama, Vranckx, Koppen, etc.

Just a thought: if bandwidth is a concern, maybe two versions of the xml files could be generated: the ones that exactly fit the purpose and use of enigma users (downloaded by most users), and the best-possible standards compliant xmltv file, for users of other systems. Then the additional bandwidth would only be used for those that really want the additional information.

Thanks again!


In Topic: Import rating with xmltv import?

12 July 2012 - 16:34

I recently switched to rytec xmltv files (benl and uk) for feeding my MythTV system EPG. This is way easier than using half a dozen of tools and data sources for covering all satellite channels, and keeping up with outages of these sources. However, the missing "category" and "rating" fields in the xmltv files make a big difference in MythTV, as these are commonly used in the predefined searches, and are used to colour the EPG. For instance I used to be able to quickly scroll through a list of quality movies each day, and this is not possible any more with rytec-powered EPG. Any plans to go ahead with the implementation as described above?

Thanks for the rytec service!